A Lifelong Connection - Foster Care

GBCHFM Communications • August 26, 2024

Helen Arnold - Director of Foster Care Ministry

“Every child deserves a champion — an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best they can possibly be.” – Educator Rita F. Pierson 

At Georgia Baptist Children’s Homes and Family Ministries we recruit, train and license foster parents. We walk alongside families every step of the way while connecting foster families with strong support systems that will equip them with the physical, emotional and logistical help they need when opening their hearts and homes.


We are intentional with the message of providing encouragement so that every foster parent and youth is successful in the purpose to which God is calling them.


Unfortunately, we frequently turn away multiple children every month due to the lack of suitable foster homes. There is a great need for foster parents for all ages, especially sibling groups, school age children, and kids with medical needs.


Helen Arnold is our new Director of Foster Care at GBCH&FM and she is ready to encourage and walk alongside foster families on their journey and begin expanding our program across the state of Georgia.


Helen is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and has worked in foster care in Georgia for over 30 years. She has served with the Department of Family and Children's Services, worked with various foster care agencies across the state, as well as assessed children and families to help recommend placements to ensure a bright future.


“I am so excited about this opportunity God has blessed me with at GBCH&FM,” Helen said. “My roots run deep as a Southern Baptist so it feels like I’m finally home and able to not only work with wonderful families but share my faith, hope, and prayers with them throughout the process. It is an absolute joy to be a part of the team.”


When working with our Foster Care Program staff, we want potential foster parents to know that even when a day is hard they have someone they can call on.


“Whether it's praying with them over the phone, coming out for a visit, or providing them parenting resources, we want them to never feel alone during this journey,” Helen explained.


Not only are our staff ready and willing to help, but we also want to connect foster parents with a local church that is interested in partnering alongside GBCH&FM to develop Foster Care Ministries that offer support. It takes a village to raise a family and GBCH&FM wants to help create a village that can help assist foster parents with meals, respite care, errands, and the list can go on and on.


Emily Westbrook is GBCH&FM’s Foster Care Case Manager. Emily is the contact person for our foster parents and foster children in care. She helps to ensure that our foster parents and children are provided with trauma-informed care and support 24/7.


“I am here for our children in care, to ensure that they are receiving everything they need to heal, to grow, to thrive and to succeed while they are in care with GBCHFM,” Emily explained. “I want foster families or potential foster families to know that they are fostering with an agency who will support and be there for them, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, giving them individual support through trauma informed care, through prayer, by listening, advocating, support, training, and even physically being in the home sometimes, even if it may be after hours; if the child or foster parent is in need, GBCHFM Foster Care team is there for them.”


A decision to explore fostering is a decision to positively impact the life of a child in need. We are always looking for loving people to open up their hearts and homes to children in the foster care system and give them an opportunity to have a family that loves and cares about them.


“Foster Care is designed to be temporary but the impact that the foster parents make on children impacts them for eternity,” Helen explained. “Becoming a foster parent is an open door for a lifelong connection for kids and families. Once a child becomes older, we never stop needing a support system or people to enjoy celebrations, holidays, and life with. I’ve seen foster families still having Christmases together years down the road.”


Becoming an adult doesn't mean that you stop needing someone. They still need a family. That’s where foster parents can play a vital role that lasts a lifetime.


Do you feel like God is calling on you and your family? That God might have called you to care for a child during a season of their lives in a way that is life changing?


It might be a little unnerving to answer that call, but we would love to ease your mind and tell you a little more about what you could do to change the life of a child for generations to come.


“I believe God has a plan for us all, and how awesome it is that in working with our foster families, who share the same Christian beliefs and faith as we do, that we get to help share God's love and grace with every single child who comes through our doors and into our care,” Emily shared. “It only takes a tiny seed!”


We can assure you that we have a team that is ready and willing to walk with you every step of the way.


If you are interested in learning more about Georgia Baptist Children Homes and Family Ministries Foster Care Program, visit our website at GeorgiaChildren.org/foster-care and schedule your meeting today. Or contact Helen Arnold, Director of Foster Care, who can be reached directly at harnold@gbchfm.org or 770-809-6695. 

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