Foster Care
Give Kids Hope and a Home!
Are you ready to make a lifetime impact on a child, youth or sibling group?
Contact us today to see how you can Give Kids Hope and a Home!

Our Mission
We are a Christian caring ministry of services designed to promote the spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being of children, youth, and families.
How You Can Get Involved
About the Process
Becoming a foster parent is not an overnight decision. You’ll probably want to pray and seek God’s guidance and discuss this decision among all your family members. We want you and your family to be comfortable with your choice to open your heart and home to a youth or sibling group in need, and we hope you know that we’ll be with you every step of the way!
Initial Contact and Information Session (Orientation)
Your call, internet query, or email will notify us that you are intresested in starting the process.
Our Director will meet with you individually in your home or as a part of a group at a local church to talk with you about the role of foster parents, the needs of the children and youth we serve, and the requirements for approval. You will be free to ask any questions you have to gain a thorough understanding of this incredible opportunity to serve God by providing a home for children and youth in Georgia's foster care system.
GBCH&FM staff will meet with you to discuss the state requirements for foster parents and to review the required documentation with you. This documentation will include background checks (criminal, child protective services, drug screens, motor vehicle records, etc.) It is important for you to complete all of the required documentation to expedite the process. If you’re determined to get licensed in a timely way, we will work with you step by step to make this process as easy and smooth as possible for you. As you work through gathering and completing the necessary documentation, you may begin to attend foster parent training classes.
Once you have made a fully informed decision to move forward in the process, you will complete the state-required pre-service training (NTDC) designed to equip you to meet the needs of the children and youth who will be placed in your home. Every foster parent is required to attend approximately 30-40 hours of pre-service training classes (NTDC and CPI). In these classes, you will learn what foster parenting is all about, expectations, obligations and the rewards and challenges of being a foster parent. You will learn how to work with the biological parents; how to help the youth adjust; parenting and family dynamics and more. The course is designed to help you fully understand the foster care process including— policies and procedures, trauma-informed care, behavior management and everything you need to know to properly equip you for the journey ahead.
*Note: Successful completion of all foster parent training classes is required to have your home approved and opened as a foster home.
GBCH&FM is a Sanctuary-certified agency, and we will provide you with additional training regarding working with children who have experienced trauma. Because we understand that overcoming trauma, stress, and adversity requires creating an environment that promotes safety and healing, Sanctuary utilizes interactive tools to change the way we go about working together, thinking together, acting together, and living together. Training will continue throughout your foster parenting journey, as our goal is to equip you to handle any situation appropriately, to help promote the spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being of the youth placed in your home.
The home study process will begin toward the end of your training and will involve at least three visits to your home. We will talk individually with each member of your household so we can really get to know your family's strengths and lifestyle. We will talk you through the process of collecting and completing necessary documents and ensuring your home is safe for the placement of a child. All the information we gather during the home study process will help us to make the best possible match when we place youth in your home.
We understand that the home study process may seem a bit intrusive or feel a bit awkward to you and your family at first, however it is critically important that we do all we can to ensure the safety and security of the foster youth and families we serve. The more we know about you and your family, the better we will be able to match youth to your home. It is also important to ensure that our foster parents are adequately prepared to support and provide for the children and youth entrusted in their care.
Once you are certified, we will begin to look for a youth who is a good fit for you and your family. If the match is right, the youth will come to stay with you until they can be reunited with their biological family or a relative or kinship caregiver.
If neither of those options are available, the youth may be permanently adopted by your family (if you choose) or another family. We will talk to you about visitation schedules with birth parents and siblings and will continue to support you as you foster the youth. As a private Child Placement Agency (CPA), we maintain smaller caseloads, which allows us to provide additional attention and support to you and the youth placed in your home. We will have frequent contact, both in person and by phone, and are available to you 24 hours a day, should you experience any kind of crisis. We believe in providing support to you as a caregiver and will work with you to make this a positive experience for your family and the youth placed in your home.
We will help you develop relationships with churches and individuals in your community who can assist you in meeting the needs of the youth and provide support for you as well.
Here are answers to some common questions.
On average, the entire process from orientation to licensure as a foster parent is about 3-4 months. The time frame may vary depending on your family’s circumstances.
We want you to have all the knowledge you need to make an informed decision to become foster parents! We will meet with you one-on-one to provide information and answer any questions you may have about foster care, your role, our expectations, and the process. You may change your mind at any time throughout the process, as we want to be assured that you are fully committed before a child/youth is placed in your home. We will be with you throughout the process and encourage open and honest communication, as we realize that sometimes circumstances change for families, and we want to help you make the right decision for your family.
Pre-service training is required by the state of Georgia for families seeking to become foster or adoptive parents. This training provides potential foster parents with a thorough understanding of the child welfare system in Georgia and how to effectively and safely meet the unique needs of children in foster care based on their history of abuse, abandonment, and neglect. The live training experience helps people feel more prepared and inspired to undertake the important journey of serving as a foster parent in Georgia. We offer this training at various times in different locations, so contact us today to be a part of the next class!
No. Anyone – married or single, young, or old, parent or new to parenting – is eligible to become a foster parent.
The home evaluation is our opportunity to learn all about you and your family so we can make the best possible match when we place youth in your home. Our Home Study Practitioner will make at least three (3) visits to your home and talk individually with each member of your household so we can really get to know your family's strengths and lifestyle. We will also assess the physical safety of your home to ensure everything meets state requirements.
No. Foster parents receive monthly stipends for fostering and reimbursement for other expenses that allow them to care for foster children without strain on the household budget. All that prospective foster parents need to show financially is that they have the income to meet their own monthly expenses.
No! Foster parents can be homeowners or can be home or apartment renters. The only housing requirement is that the home provides a safe and clean living environment that includes adequate sleeping space for youth placed in the home.
We receive referrals from the Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS) across the State of Georgia. DFCS retains legal custody of the children, and we provide placement supervision while they are placed with families in our foster care program.
We would love to talk with you! Simply fill out the form below and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
Regardless which role interests you, the first step is to fill out the form below so we can connect with you and give you more information.
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Helen Arnold,
Director of Foster Care, can be reached
at or