Today, there are thousands of mothers and children who are living in broken homes and may be facing struggles such as abuse or neglect.
At Georgia Baptist Children's Homes, we provide a safe place for such children and families, where they are well-cared for and where they can find hope and healing through Jesus.
When you and your church participate and give to our Children's Home Day campaign, together, we are able to help more children and families in need.
Let us know when your offering will be and we can change the date on your graphics!
We're excited to share our Children's Home Day videos with you.
Thank you for generously supporting the children and families in our care. Whether you're collecting an offering on Mother's Day or another day of the year, we would love to send you some free printed materials, digital resources, or both to help promote your offering. Please use the request form below.
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Thank you and we look forward to talking with you soon!
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