Good Shepherd Center

Residential Program
A haven for adolescent boys involved with the Juvenile Justice System through a unique, farm-based treatment program
Establishing a connection like no other.
Through our farm-based treatment program, each resident is responsible for helping care for a horse.
Oftentimes, these boys who have difficulty connecting to other people develop a bond with their horse. This commonly serves as the first step to healing, and establishes strong responsibility and sense of ownership in our young men.
On-campus schooling & activities that give the best chance of success.
Together with our youth, we set high expectations for our residents because we know they can reach them.
 Our emphasis on education and excellence leads to understanding responsibility in all aspects of life. Through the support of local churches and community groups, our residents participate in activities that help to promote social skills.


In addition to providing basic needs and care for our clients, we integrate vital components with our programs to ensure our clients are set on a path for success.
Sanctuary Model ®
Using the Sanctuary Model of Care®, we take a trauma-focused approach with our children and families to manage loss, promote healing, and create a hopeful future. (Click to learn more)
Spiritual Counseling and Care
We believe holistic healing is only attainable through Jesus, and we strive to be intentional about creating space for clients to experience Christ.
Consistent Oversight
Our programs are able to provide varying levels of watchful oversight to meet the particular needs of our clients. For our Good Shepherd Program, we offer both Additional and Maximum Watchful Oversight.
Local Campuses

Allows us to serve children in their own community, which helps them adjust to their placement with less disruption during a difficult time. Good Shepherd Center is located in Warm Springs, GA.

Community Support
Community groups recognize the need for residential care for children coming from abusive and neglectful situations in their area, and help however possible.
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